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Dr. Julia Walker-Haley serves as a mother, first lady, gospel artist, writer and  a retired educator.  She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education, a Master’s Degree in Counseling, an Ed.S. Degree in Educational Leadership and a Doctoral Degree in Curriculum and Diversity Studies. A few of the awards she’s received as an educator include the Ida S. Baker Minority Award, Teacher of the Year, Florida State University Notable Nole, and is listed in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers.  She serves her church and district as the Emerald Coast District Missionary.

Dr. Julia Walker Haley is the author of several children’s books.  Her first book is entitled:  Ice Quebe’s Birthday is now featured on Amazon.  In addition, Dr. Haley wrote all lyrics to her new gospel album, entitled, “Walking on ‘Son’ Shine.”  This album came to fruition along with the angelic voices of Missionary Mona Warren and Evangelist Sheila Jones.  Brad Jerkins produced the album.  Faye Walker Howell and Larry "Dj Dap" Dunlap Jr., served as consultants.


As a licensed District Missionary for the Emerald Coast Church of God In Christ, she has spoken and held workshops on numerous occasions during convocations, district meetings, and worship services from coast to coast.  She is married to the Rev. Dr. John L. Haley, Jr., Pastor and Founder of the New Covenant Church of God In Christ, Inc. in Northwest, Florida, where they reside.  They have three adult children.


© 2020 Created by DJ DAP 

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